homelasermicrophoneWe can state without any doubt that we offer the BEST laser listening devices in the world.

Completely different than some other “educational projects” or toy devices you may find on the Internet, our long-distance laser audio listening instruments are the most reliable tools that law enforcement and professional surveillance teams can deploy in a matter of minutes, when achieving tactical advantage in a critical situation becomes paramount.

Currently, we are the only company in the world to be able to offer a selection of ten different Laser microphone models: no other laser microphone manufacturer in the world can offer you such a wide selection.
Some of our models and versions have been developed to be immune to Laser microphone countermeasures, Laser microphone detection or both: none of our competitors can offer these features.

Our Spectra Laser microphones are professional laser audio surveillance tools that will allow law enforcement professionals to surreptitiously listen in remotely on any premises by using a beam of invisible light as the sound-carrying medium and without any need to break-in or enter the target room.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology and electronics, our laser microphones have no competition in the field when it comes to reliability, performance and ease of use. Although the limitations imposed by the laws of physics will remain impassable, our microphones will push you close to the limit like never before.

Considering the sensitive nature of the product along with its high price, as well as its operational capabilities, sales of our SPECTRA Laser listening devices are restricted to law enforcement personnel and their authorized suppliers, only.

We are able to perform a demo of our devices, however, demo will be subject to a demo fee + travel and lodging expenses.


Despite it is clearly written everywhere on this website, it seems that many people cannot read. We do not work for free in the hope of finalizing a sale, in layman’s terms: we do not offer free demos.


We will disregard any demo request to be done in a hurry. If you are serious and know what you are doing, you will also take the necessary time to do it. Within this website we will provide some reference information regarding our systems: to know more, please click on the product links aside.